
Ungrace Unawares

Carl Holsoe

Like city-dwellers who no longer notice the polluted air, we breathe in the atmosphere of ungrace unawares. As early as preschool and kindergarten we are tested and evaluated before being slotted into an "advanced," "normal," or "slow" track. From then on we receive grades denoting performance in math, science, reading, and even "social skills" and "citizenship." Test papers come back with errors - not correct answers - highlighted. All this helps prepare us for the real world with its relentless ranking, a grown-up version of the playground game "king of the hill."  - Philip Yancey, from What's So Amazing About Grace? 

내가 벌지도 않고 자격도 없는 자유를 맛보며 자전거를 타고 백현동 길을 따라 쪼르르 내려왔다.

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