
The Value of College

"why did we have to read this book?"에 대해
뻔하고 가볍지 않게 대답해보고자한 어떤 시도.

... picking out the most intelligent person is difficult, because intelligence involves many attributes that can't be captured in a one-time assessment, like an I.Q. test. There is no intellectual equivalent of the hundred-yard dash. An intelligent person is open-minded, an outside-the-box thinker, an effective communicator, is prudent, self-critical, consistent, and so on. These are not qualities readily subject to measurement.

위 기사 역시
얼마전 montainge의 essais를 읽으면서
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공감했던 것과 비슷한 인상을 준다: does honesty make one less opinionated?

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